Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have this code:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->title("Hi"); my $title = $mw->Entry( -text => '', -width => 20, -font => 'Courier 12 bold', -background => 'Orange', )->pack( -ipadx => 35 ); $title->focus(); $mw->Button( -text => 'Ok', -font => 'Courier 12 bold', -background => 'Orange', -command => sub{ Hello($title) }, )->pack( -side => 'left', -ipadx => 40 ); $mw->Button( -text => 'Exit', -font => 'Courier 12 bold', -background => 'Orange', -command => sub { exit } )->pack( -side => 'right', -ipadx => 40 ); MainLoop; sub Hello { my $title_val = $title->get; print "Hello - $title_val\n"; }
I have been trying to do the following:
  • How do I tell it to position the GUI at a specific location in the screen?
  • After entering something in the text, if I press "Enter", I would like it to have the same effect as pressing the "Ok" button.
  • Also, if I press "ESC" key, I would like it to exit.

    Can someone point me to the proper documentation for this?

    Thanks in advance.