seekperlwisdom has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

more simplified version of my question

[% totalprice = 900 %]<---- 1 -----> [% FOREACH shopping %] [% modelname = key %][% information = value %] [% MAKE_NAME = information.MAKE %] <a href="/cgi-bin/>some link</a><br/> Quantity: [% information.QTY %] x [% information.PRICE %]<br/> [% ff = information.PRICE * information.QTY %] PRICE = [% ff %]<br/># lets say it is equal to 100 [% totalprice = totalprice + ff %] <---- 2 ------> [% totalprice %]#print out 1000 <hr/> [% END %] [% totalprice %]<----- 3 --------> #print out 900 </div>

<-- 2 --> get updated but <-- 3 --> still get 900, what i really trying to achieve that <--2--> value to pass to <--3-->. thanks