According to the PAUSE FAQ, in order to adopt a seemingly abandoned module, I am required to (among other things) post a message somewhere public. ...and well, everything's public on PerlMonks these days so here goes:

I would like to adopt the FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) module.

Seeing as the only upload to the namespace is nearly nine years old and doesn't even build against either of fltk's current APIs, I'm sure a request on would be met with little resistance but I would rather contact the current maintainer if possible.

Since March 2009, I have made three attempts to contact the original author, Matt Kennedy (CPAN ID: mkennedy). Mail sent to both the public address and his redirect (which, judging from the error msg, goes to the address) have bounced. So, if anyone knows this particular Matt Kennedy, I'd really appreciate some updated contact info. If not, I'll take it to the modules mailing list this Friday, August 7th, 2009.