chanakya has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Geeting Monks,
We have some old code which I'm currently rewriting. As a part of that I need to read the files from
two directories, sort them based on creation time.

I have achieved this in the following way,
my @dirs2read = ("/tmp", "/u/files"); foreach my $sp_dir (@dirs2read) { opendir SP, $sp_dir or die "Cannot open $sp_dir for reading: $!"; my @files = map { $_->[1] } sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} map { [ stat("$sp_dir/$_")->ctime, $_] } grep { /\w/ && !/^TA\d{1,8}$/ && !/gz$/} readdir SP; closedir SP; }

I want to implement the same thing using File::Find preprocess(), I'm able to
read files from two directories and also able to sort them, but I'd like to sort the files
based on the file creation time. Please let me know how do I modify the code to suite my specified condition.
use File::Find; use Data::Dumper; my @directories = ("/u/files", "/tmp"); my @readfiles; File::Find::find({ preprocess => sub { sort { # Files sort before dirs (-f $a ? (-f $b ? $a cmp $b : -1 ) : (-f $b ? 1 : $a + cmp $b)) } @_ }, wanted => sub {push @readfiles, "$File::Find::dir/$_" +if (-f); } , postprocess => sub { rmdir $File::Find::dir }, }, @directories); print Dumper \@readfiles;
Thanks for your time in advance.