in reply to Perl/Tk Newest Nodes Client

I borrowed the %nodetypes hash from this script for a CGI client and found that it didn't contain all types, some must have been added since it was written. The original contains 14, this 19:

my %nodetypes = ( 'bookreview' => 'Book Reviews', 'categorized answer' => 'Categorized Answers', 'categorized question' => 'Categorized Questions', 'CUFP' => 'Cool Uses for Perl', 'modulereview' => 'Reviews', 'monkdiscuss' => 'Perlmonks Discussion', 'note' => 'Reply', 'obfuscated' => 'Obfuscated Perl', 'perlcraft' => 'Perl Craft', 'perlmeditation' => 'Meditations', 'perlnews' => 'Perl News', 'perltutorial' => 'Tutorials', 'perlquestion' => 'Seekers of Perl Wisdom', 'poem' => 'Poems', 'review' => 'Reviews', 'snippet' => 'Code Snippets', 'sourcecode' => 'Code Catacombs', 'tutorial' => 'Tutorials', 'user' => 'Users', );