grashoper has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I can't figure out whats wrong with my move file, it seems to want to start in the root of c and I cannot seem to make it not start there. so I was going to try using file:find, I came up with this but of course it doesn't work because perl absolutely hates me and I am still a perltard. this dies with an invalid top directory in line 593. the current directory is not a top level directory though its in c:\inetpub\performancetesting\output\mlx which is where I want the file:find to start recursively moving files from and I want them put into a tree that is exactly the same below c:\\mlx so I am basically trying to move the whole directory tree to another location. please someone help me with either file my previous post I will add a link for on the next update.
@ARGV = qw(.) unless @ARGV; use File::Find; use File::Copy; use Data::Dumper; @dirs=(); my $dir="\\mlx\\"; find sub {move("$File::Find::name, -d","$dir.$_") or die "This didn't +work either"};
my previous attempt which is now giving me an error due to the path. //760926 not sure if this link will work. link does not work. from the book I was reading I thought -d was directory, example.. ok I fixed the problem with the move it was due to the directory I was calling it from, I was using a batch file, needed to do a chdir to the correct path apparently the script was looking at the current location, anyways I have it working now.
@ARGV = qw(.) unless @ARGV; use File::Find; find sub { print $File::Find::name, -d && "/", "\n" }, @ARGV;