in reply to CGI Not Returning Parameter that's there

How can you judge from the quoted log entry that parameter h is set? I only can see, that it was set in the referer, but I couldn't see it for the logged request?

Are you using strict and warnings? If not, please do it. If yes, I wonder, that there's no warning?

The following topics are not related to your problem, I think, but maybe give room for "optimization":

If you want to check alternative values of $function, use the if/elsif/else construct. It saves some time (maybe ;o). Otherwise each if will be checked (what for? If $function eq 'load', it cannot be $function eq 'mark').

if ( $function eq 'load' ) { # this } elsif ( $function eq 'mark' ) { # that } elsif ( $function eq 'foobar' ) { # something completely different } else { # any other stuff or something unexpected? }

Your code:

my $junk; ($junk,my $headsent,my $headword) = split(/[sw]/,$h);

could be rewritten like this:

# no $junk anymore and no doubled 'my' ! my ( $headsent, $headword ) = ( split /[sw]/, $h )[1,2];

Can you reproduce that issue in a little code example which can be tested by the monks to identify the issue?
