in reply to Parse::RecDescent

This seems like a good place to mention that you'll need to place use statements in a startup block to take advantage of any Perl 5.10-isms.

Code slightly modified from an example in Advanced Perl 2nd Edition:

use Modern::Perl; use Parse::RecDescent; my $grammar = q{ { use Modern::Perl } GameTree : "(" Sequence GameTree(s?) ")" Sequence : Node(s) Node : ":" Property(s) { say "I saw a node!" } Property : PropIdent PropValue(s) PropIdent : /[A-Z]+/ PropValue : { extract_bracketed($text, '[ ]') } }; my $sgf_parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar); undef $/; my $sgf = <DATA>; say $sgf_parser->GameTree($sgf); __DATA__ (:GM[1]FF[4]AP[CGoban:2]ST[2]RU[Japanese] PW[Honinbo Shuwa]PB[Yasuda Shusaku] WR[7d]BR[5d] :B[qd]:W[dc]:B[pq]:W[oc]:B[cp]:W[qo] :B[pe]C[This is the famous Shusaku opening".])

I could be wrong, of course. This is how I got the thing to run with say in the action, though.