Category: Win32 Stuff
Author/Contact Info
Description: The unrar.dll library is written in C and provides functions for extracting/uncompressing rar archives. In the developer distribution there are code examples on interfacing with the library in many languages but not in Perl, so I wrote one which is going to be included in the development edition after Winrar 3.9 gets released. It offers an example of Perl interfacing with C libraries, mapping C structures to Perl structures, using raw pointers from Perl and how to use of Win32 low level API calls. To use it you need to : 1. have the Win32::API module installed 2. get unrar.dll from and place it inside your Windows\System32 directory it as : for listing the contents of the file : perl L filename.rar for extracting contents of file : perl X filename.rar Any suggestions/comments/corrections are welcome
#Wrapper for unrar.dll in Perl.Interacts with dll using the Win32::API
+ module
#To do for next version : better error description instead of just 'dy
use Win32::API;
use Cwd;

sub declare_win32_functions {
    $RAROpenArchiveEx=new Win32::API('unrar.dll','RAROpenArchiveEx','P
    $RARCloseArchive=new Win32::API('unrar.dll','RARCloseArchive','N',
    $RAROpenArchive=new Win32::API('unrar.dll','RAROpenArchive','P','N
    $RARReadHeader=new Win32::API('unrar.dll','RARReadHeader','NP','N'
    $RARReadHeaderEx=new Win32::API('unrar.dll','RARReadHeaderEx','NP'
    $RARProcessFile=new Win32::API('unrar.dll','RARProcessFile','NNPP'
    $RARSetPassword=new Win32::API('unrar.dll','RARSetPassword','NP','
sub extract_headers {
    my $file=@_[0];
    my $CmtBuf = pack('x16384');

    my $RAROpenArchiveDataEx=pack('ppLLPLLLLx32',$file,undef,2,0,$CmtB
    my $RAROpenArchiveData=pack('pLLpLLL',$file,2,0,undef,0,0,0);
    my $RARHeaderData=pack('x260x260LLLLLLLLLLpLL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    my $handle = $RAROpenArchiveEx->Call($RAROpenArchiveDataEx)||die "
+RAROpenArchiveEx failed";
    my ($arcname,undef,undef,undef,$CmtBuf1,undef,$CmtSize,$CmtState,$
    !$RARCloseArchive->Call($handle)||die "RARCloseArchive failed";
    my $handle = $RAROpenArchive->Call($RAROpenArchiveData)||die "RARO
+penArchive failed";
    $flagsEX  & 128 || !$RARReadHeader->Call($handle,$RARHeaderData) |
+| die "RARCloseArchive failed";
    my ($arcname,$filename,$flags,$packsize)=unpack('A260A260LL',$RARH

   printf("\nComments :%s\n",$CmtBuf1) ;
  printf("\nArchive %s\n",$arcname);
  printf("\nVolume:\t\t%s",($flagsEX & 1) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nComment:\t%s",($flagsEX  & 2) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nLocked:\t\t%s",($flagsEX  & 4) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nSolid:\t\t%s",($flagsEX  & 8) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nNew naming:\t%s",($flagsEX  & 16) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nAuthenticity:\t%s",($flagsEX  & 32) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nRecovery:\t%s",($flagsEX  & 64) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nEncr.headers:\t%s",($flagsEX  & 128) ? "yes":"no");
  printf("\nFirst volume:\t%s\n\n",($flagsEX  & 256) ? "yes":"no or ol
+der than 3.0");

 return ($flagsEX  & 128,$flags  & 4); 

sub list_files_in_archive  {
my $file =@_[0];
my ($blockencrypted,$locked) = extract_headers($file);

my $password;

my $RAROpenArchiveDataEx_for_extracting=pack('ppLLpLLLLx32',$file,unde
my $handle = $RAROpenArchiveEx->Call($RAROpenArchiveDataEx_for_extract
+ing)||die "RAROpenArchiveEx failed"; 
my $RARHeaderData=pack('x260x260LLLLLLLLLLpLL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,u

if ($blockencrypted){
    print ("Encrypted headers,enter password: "),chomp ($password=<STD
    if ($password) {
    else {
    die "\nshould had entered password!!exiting....\n";

    while (($RARReadHeader->Call($handle,$RARHeaderData))==0) {
                           my $processresult=$RARProcessFile->Call($ha
                        if ($processresult!=0) {
                    else {
                       my  @files=unpack('A260A260LLLLLLLLLLpLL',$RARH
                                        print "File\t\t\t\t\tSize\n";
                                        print "-----------------------
                                        print "$files[0]\\$files[1]\t\

  !$RARCloseArchive->Call($handle)||die "$RARCloseArchive failed";

sub process_file {
my $file=@_[0];
my ($blockencrypted,$locked) = extract_headers($file);

my $errorstatus;
my $password;

my $RAROpenArchiveDataEx_for_extracting=pack('ppLLpLLLLx32',$file,unde
my $RARHeaderData=pack('x260x260LLLLLLLLLLpLL',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,u
my $handle = $RAROpenArchiveEx->Call($RAROpenArchiveDataEx_for_extract
+ing)||die "RAROpenArchiveEx failed"; 

if ($blockencrypted || $locked){
    print ("Enter password: "),chomp ($password=<STDIN>);
    if ($password) {
    else {
    die "\nshould had entered password!!exiting....\n";

    while (($RARReadHeader->Call($handle,$RARHeaderData))==0) {
                            my $processresult=$RARProcessFile->Call($h
                        if ($processresult!=0) {

print "#Error# : $errorstatus" if $errorstatus;
!$RARCloseArchive->Call($handle)||die "RRARCloseArchive failed"; 

my $file;
if ($ARGV[1]) {
    $file=$ARGV[1]; }
else {
    print ("No filename!") && exit;


if ($ARGV[0] eq "L") {
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "X") {
else {
            print "Enter mode L or X\n";