Cody Pendant has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm using Getopt::Long, like this:

my($dir, $year, $start, $delay); GetOptions ( 'dir=s' => \$dir, 'year=i' => \$year, 'start:i' => \$start, 'delay:i' => \$delay );

And when I call my script like this:

scriptname --dir foo --year 2007 --delay 30

everything is fine.

When I call it like this, with the options in a different order, it dies:

scriptname --dir foo --delay 30 --year 2007 Option year requires an argument

But if I add an equals sign, it's OK:

scriptname --dir foo --delay 30 --year=2007

I can't figure out what's going on by referring to the module's documentation on CPAN. TIA.

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kids today don't know what line-noise IS ...