Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info zentara of perlmonks
Description: Want to make a highly succesful how-to to put on You-Tube? Or maybe speed up looking thru your security camera still images?

Here you go....put a sequential list of jpg's in a subdir, and run this script on it. The output flv is conveniently named as 111****.flv so as to be at the top of your dir list. :-)

A sample of me fixing a lamp is lamp_fix

use warnings;
use strict;

# Usage: $0    'a_video_subdir_full_of_sequential_jpgs'
my $videodir = shift || 'lamp_fix';

#put the video at the top of the long image list
my $video = $videodir.'/111'.$videodir.'.flv';
# recombine

print "done\n";

sub recombine{

opendir my $dh, $videodir or die "Error: $!\n";
my @files = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir $dh;
@files = grep /^(.*)\.jpg$/, @files;
closedir $dh;
#print "@files\n";

#audio options left in just incase you want to try adding audio
my @moptions =( 'mencoder',
                '-mf', 'fps=29.97', #NTSC tv video rate in 
#                '-audiofile', "$base.wav", 
        '-srate', 22050,
        '-o', $video,
                '-ovc', 'lavc',
        '-lavcopts', 'vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=100',
#        '-oac', 'mp3lame',        
#        '-audio-delay', 0.2, #adjust for audio syncing problems
