in reply to PerlMonks as Ambassadors

Having read everyone else here, I've had a thought. Why not put the following in front of every submit box on question pages for user's whose experience is (say) under 100, or if they are anonymous?

(_)I have looked for my answer in Super Search
(_)I have tried to find my answer in the Library
I am a Perl (_)Newbie (_)Beginner (_)Adept

That way, the answer could automatically get stuck in a Newbie section if they select that they are a Newbie or Beginner. And if they don't check the first 2 boxes, they get a warning that they can still submit, but that their post will get sent to Purgatory (a new node, perhaps?).

Also, we could add a flag to all users that could be set to prompt other users if they consistantly ask RTFM/homework questions, whatever their XP.


cLive ;-)