in reply to Tk Notebook tab columns

UPDATE: Fixed alignment problem

I never mess with grid, but here is a way that I would do it. Make everything in a hash, so you can easily retreive values, by specifying page, and frame. (I may have made some logic errors in the frame setup...and the boxes can be aligned with padding your text with spaces). I'm in a test,test,test, but it appears to work.

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::NoteBook; require Tk::Pane; use Tk::LabEntry; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); $mw->geometry( "600x500" ); my $book = $mw->NoteBook()->pack( -fill=>'both', -expand=>1 ); my %hash; my @tabs = (1..5); foreach my $tab(@tabs){ $hash{$tab}{'frame'} = $book->add( "Sheet $tab", -label=>"program $tab +"); #$hash{$tab}{'frame'} = $book->add( "Sheet $tab", -label=>"program $ta +b"); } #make a Scolled Pane in every tab, with 2 frames for columns foreach my $tab(@tabs){ $hash{$tab}{'spane'}= $hash{$tab}{'frame'}->Scrolled('Pane',-bg=>'whi +te') ->pack(-expand=>1,-fill=>'both'); #now pack 2 side by side frames in the scrolled Pane $hash{$tab}{'f1'}= $hash{$tab}{'spane'}->Frame(-bg=>'hotpink', -padx +=>15) ->pack(-side=>'left',-expand=>1,-fill=>'both',-padx=>15); $hash{$tab}{'f2'}= $hash{$tab}{'spane'}->Frame(-bg=>'lightseagreen',- +padx=>15) ->pack(-side=>'right',-expand=>1,-fill=>'both'); } #now make columns foreach my $tab(@tabs){ foreach my $fr('f1','f2'){ #make frames for each pair $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'} = $hash{$tab}{$fr}->Frame() ->pack(-side=>'left',-expand=>1,-fill=>'both'); $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframer'} = $hash{$tab}{$fr}->Frame() ->pack(-side=>'right',-expand=>1,-fill=>'both'); } } #now fill columns foreach my $val qw(IN_DIR IN_LIST OUT_TYPE BYTESWAP OUTPUTAUX ){ foreach my $tab(@tabs){ foreach my $fr('f1','f2'){ $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'}{'labentry'} = $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'}->LabEntry(-label => "$val="); $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'}{$val}{'val'} = "$val-$tab-$fr"; $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'}{'labentry'}->Subwidget('entry')-> configure(-background=>'yellow', -width => 25, -textvariable => \$hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'}{$val}{'val'} +); $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'}{'labentry'}->configure( -labelPack=>[-side=>'left',-anchor=>'w'], -width => 20, ); $hash{$tab}{$fr}{'subframel'}{'labentry'}->pack(-anchor=>'e'); + } } } MainLoop; __END__

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