honyok has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm an uber-newbie to Tk. My first query: I'm using a Notebook/Tab construct to build a simple gui. The following code produces 1 column of Label->Entry pairs; I would like 2 columns: Label->Entry Label->Entry any suggestions?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Tk; use Tk::NoteBook; use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); $mw = MainWindow->new(); $mw->geometry( "600x500" ); $book = $mw->NoteBook()->pack( -fill=>'both', -expand=>1 ); $tab1 = $book->add( "Sheet 1", -label=>"program1"); $tab2 = $book->add( "Sheet 2", -label=>"program2"); #==================form attempt 1========================= $tab1->Label(-text => "IN_DIR=")->grid($tab1->Entry(-textvariable => " +")); $tab1->Label(-text=>"IN_LIST=")->grid($tab1->Entry(-textvariable=>"")) +; $tab1->Label(-text=>"OUT_TYPE=")->grid($tab1->Entry(-textvariable=>"PS +ET")); $tab1->Label(-text=>"BYTESWAP=")->grid($tab1->Entry(-textvariable=>"Y" +)); $tab1->Label(-text=>"OUTPUTAUX=")->grid($tab1->Entry(-textvariable=>"N +")); ################################ MainLoop;