I like numbers very much :).
Once I asked myself (I was thinking about cumulative audience and the voting system) how many ++ are in the pool for a single day. Here a simple snippet that counts them for me.

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use LWP::Simple; use HTML::TableExtract; my $votes_in_the_pool = 0; my @number_of_votes = ( 0, 5, 8, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40); my $page_content = get( ' +%20of%20Monks%20by%20Level' ) || die ("Can't get page content!\n"); my $parser = new HTML::TableExtract(); $parser->parse( $page_content ); my $table = $parser->table_state(1, 2); print "Today...\n"; foreach my $row ( $table->rows ) { foreach ( @$row ) { if ( /Level (\d+)\n\((\d+)\)/s ) { print "there are $2 monks of level $1\n"; $votes_in_the_pool += $number_of_votes[ $1 - 1 ] * $2; } } } print ".. for a total of $votes_in_the_pool votes\n";