(from the blog)

This is the biggest and most exciting Mojo update so far, because it finally includes the first example web framework named Mojolicious.

Mojolicious has many similarities to Ruby on Rails and Merb, but stays true to it's Perl roots.
While it's still just a proof of concept, it shows very well whats so cool about Mojo and how to get started with building web frameworks on top of it.

Trying Mojolicious is very simple thanks to the helpers and code generator shipped with it.
$ cpanp install Mojo ... no prereqs needed, so installation will be very fast ... $ mojolicious generate app MyMojoliciousApp [mkdir] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/bin [write] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/bin/mojolicious [chmod] my_mojolicious_app/bin/mojolicious 744 [mkdir] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/lib [write] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/lib/ [mkdir] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/lib/MyMojoliciousApp [write] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/lib/MyMojoliciousApp/Example.p +m [mkdir] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/t [write] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/t/basic.t [mkdir] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/public [write] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/public/404.html [exist] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/public [write] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/public/index.html [mkdir] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/templates/example [write] /Users/sri/my_mojolicious_app/templates/example/welcome.phtm +l $ cd my_mojolicious_app $ bin/mojolicious daemon Server available at
By setting the MOJO_RELOAD environment variable you can just live edit every single file, web application development has never been this simple.
$ MOJO_RELOAD=1 bin/mojolicious daemon Server available at
Unlinke other frameworks Mojolicious won't try to hide the dispatcher logic from you.
The application class gives you total control.
package MyMojoliciousApp; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Mojolicious'; # This method will run for each request sub dispatch { my ($self, $c) = @_; # Try to find a static file $self->static->dispatch($c); # Use routes if we don't have a response code yet $self->routes->dispatch($c) unless $c->res->code; # Nothing found unless ($c->res->code) { $self->static->serve($c, '/404.html'); $c->res->code(404); } } # This method will run once at server start sub startup { my $self = shift; # The routes my $r = $self->routes; # Default route $r->route('/:controller/:action/:id') ->to(controller => 'example', action => 'welcome', id => 1); } 1;
Controllers are plain old Perl classes without any magic.
package MyMojoliciousApp::Example; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; # This is a templateless action sub test { my ($self, $c) = @_; # Response object my $res = $c->res; # Code $res->code(200); # Headers $res->headers->content_type('text/html'); # Content my $url = $c->url_for; $url->path->parse('/index.html'); $res->body(qq/<a href="$url">Forward to a static document.<\/a>/); } # This action will render a template sub welcome { my ($self, $c) = @_; # Render the template $c->render; } 1;
By default Mojo::Template (also known as "phtml") will be used to render templates.
But Mojolicious was designed to use multiple parallel template engines. (File extension decides which one to use)
% my $c = shift; <h2>Welcome to the Mojolicious Web Framework!</h2> This page was generated from a template at templates/example/test.phtm +l, <a href="<%= $c->url_for(action => 'test') %>">click here</a> to move forward to a templateless action.
Mojo itself also got some big updates, here's the complete changelog.
- Added the Mojolicious Web Framework example.
- Added upload and GET/POST parameter helpers to Mojo::Message.
- Hooks for upload progress and stuff added.
- Refactored transfer encoding code into Mojo::Filter and Mojo::Filter::Chunked.
- Added callbacks for start line and header generators.
- Added workaround for missing IO::Seekable support in older versions of File::Temp (Perl 5.8).
- script/ got renamed to bin/mojo.
- Mojo::Cache got renamed to Mojo::File because there will be a cache module named MojoX::Cache, and that could cause confusion later on.
- Fixed many escaping related bugs around Mojo::URL.
- Fixed 100-Continue support in Mojo::Server::Daemon and Mojo::Client.
- Countless small bugs fixed and tests added.
Like what you see here? Now would be the perfect time to get involved in the project!
Just join our mailing list or the irc channel (#mojo on and share your ideas with us.