Based on vroom's suggestion(someplace), this script recurses through the directories in @INC, and prints out a list of files found there. You can also print only files ending in '.pm', that's why the 2 subroutines. I did this recently because my host throws an error at `perldoc perllocal`. (update: hmm, maybe I would have had better luck with `perlman perllocal`)
sub whats_installed { require File::Find; for my $ix(0..$#INC) { print $INC[$ix], "\n"; File::Find::find(sub { print $File::Find::name, "\n"},$INC[$ix +]); } } sub whats_installed2 { require File::Find; for my $ix(0..$#INC) { print $INC[$ix],"\n"; File::Find::find( sub {substr ($_, -3) eq '.pm' && print $File +::Find::name, "\n";}, $INC[$ix]); } }