in reply to Replacing string with regexp without using modules

For your first question:
sub prog_replace_string { my ($replace_this, $with_this, $string) = @_; $string =~ s{\Q$replace_this\E}{$with_this}g; $string; }
For your second:
sub replace_vars { my ($string, $hash) = @_; $string =~ s{\$(\w+)}{$$hash{$1}}ge; $string; } my %vars = ( a => 1, b => 22, c => 333 ); print replace_vars('a: $a, b: $b, c: $c', \%vars);

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Re^2: Replacing string with regexp without using modules
by cowgirl (Acolyte) on Aug 06, 2008 at 00:37 UTC
    Thanks for the great reply. It works well. However when I cut it down to this, it doesn't work:
    $string = '$a $b $c'; $hash{a} = "go"; $string =~ s{\$(\w+)}{$$hash{$1}}ge;
    Could it be the hash reference you use to the subroutine? \$hash ? Thanks.
      Could it be the hash reference ...?

      Yes, in pc88mxer's code, $hash is a hash reference, so it must be dereferenced. In your case, it's a normal hash.  So either don't dereference

      $hash{a} = "go"; $string =~ s{\$(\w+)}{$hash{$1}}ge;

      or create a reference

      $hash->{a} = "go"; $string =~ s{\$(\w+)}{$$hash{$1}}ge;

      or even use the normal arrow syntax in both the assignment $hash->{a} = ..., and when you access it $hash->{$1}:

      $hash->{a} = "go"; $string =~ s{\$(\w+)}{$hash->{$1}}ge;