in reply to Delimited files Comparision

Not exactly sure what the numbers 1, 2, 4, 8 represent, but here's a 5 or 10 minute hack job:
use strict; my ($handle, @header, @file1, @file2, $row, $col, @output); ### Load header data open ($handle, 'header.txt') || die "Can't load header file.\n"; while (<$handle>) { @_ = split /,/, $_; $_ = pop @_; chomp; push @header, $_; } close ($handle); ### Load file 1 as array of arrays open ($handle, 'file1.txt') || die "Can't load data file 1.\n"; while (<$handle>) { push @file1, [split /,/, $_]; } close ($handle); ### Load file 2 open ($handle, 'file2.txt') || die "Can't load data file 2.\n"; while (<$handle>) { push @file2, [split /,/, $_]; } close ($handle); ### Output header line print join "\t", @header; print "\n"; ### For each line, output x for fields with a difference for ($row = 0; $row <= $#file1; $row++) { @output = (); for ($col = 0; $col <= $#header; $col++) { push @output, $file1[$row][$col] ne $file2[$row][$col] ? 'x' : ''; } print join "\t", @output; print "\n"; }