malaga has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

my script does its foreach loops just fine, till i try to open another file in the middle of it, then it only hits the first ref found, then stops. how/where do i put the code (i marked below) where it can still read the refs @products, but won't interrupt the foreach? i've tried putting it in it's own "if" statement within the foreach loop, but it still stops the foreach loop.

foreach my $ref ( @products ) { if ($ref->{prodname} =~ ($value)) { print "<B>"; print $ref->{prodname}; print "</B>"; print "<br>"; print "<IMG SRC\=\"$ref->{img1}\">"; print "<br>"; print $ref->{prodprice}; print "<br>"; print "<a href\=\"shopper\.exe\?preadd\=action\&amp\;key\=$ref +->{prodcode}\">", "Add to Cart", "</a>"; #print $ref->{prodtext}; print "<br>"; print "<hr>"; ######This part stops my foreach loop my $textfile = "$ref->{prodname}"; open (INF, $textfile) or die "Can't open file"; my @scoop = <INF>; close (INF); print "@scoop"; ######### } }