in reply to checking the matches

Ikegami already provided a very compact solution using a hash. A more explicit (looped) variant would read like:

... for my $element (@array2) { my ($num, $txt) = split /#/, $element; # extract parts print "$txt = $num\n" if grep $num eq $_, @array1 # use text compa +rison and print txt part } ...



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Re^2: checking the matches
by tweetymonk (Initiate) on May 22, 2008 at 10:47 UTC
    This is working absolutely fine, but is it possible to match only the numbers before the decimal point???

      Whats meant by "match the numbers before the decimal point"?

      One way could involve to 'int-ify' all comparisons:

      ... for my $element (@array2) { my ($num, $txt) = split /#/, $element; # extract parts print "$txt = ". int($num) ."\n" if grep int($num) eq int($_), @array1 # use text comparison and + print txt part } ...

      But I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to do.

