maurkb has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am attempting to parse a CSV file in my script. I have installed the Tie::CSV_file module and have attempted in the code only to tie the file and print out some data to ensure I am on the right track with the following code...
my($result) = GetOptions ("date=s" => \$inDate); my($infile) = "USSTSF$inDate.txt"; tie my @csvdata, 'Tie::CSV_File', $infile; print "Line 5, column 1: ", $csvdata[4][0] . "\n";
However, I get the following error when attempting to run...
"Can't locate object method "parse" via package "quote_char" (perhaps you forgot to load "quote_char"?) at C:/Perl/lib/tie/ line 198, <FH> line 5."
I checked via CPAN and the module Parse::CSV is up to date. Am I missing a different module. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.