in reply to $array[ 'Infinity' ]

No, this is not caused by numerical equivalence to zero. Nor is it caused by Infinity/inf differences:
@a = (5 .. 10); print $a['inf'], "\n", $a[-inf], "\n", -inf==0 ? "-inf is zero\n" : "-inf isn't zero\n", 'inf'==0 ? "inf is zero\n" : "inf isn't zero\n"; # still outputs 10 and 5 and states that the infinities aren't zeroes

perl --version says "This is perl, v5.8.8 built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi"

Update: The weird thing is that indexing by -inf gives the first element and indexing by inf gives the last one. That's not what I'd expect.

use strict; use warnings; print "Just Another Perl Hacker\n";