the_hawk_1 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi esteemed monks!

I seek your enlightment on a really obscured trouble. To make it worst, it's regarding a Microsoft product: Excel.

I'm trying to creat a 3d chart with a bunch of data, but unfortunately, I can't do anything else than a regular 2D!

Here's the perl code:

# Create the chart # $chart = $sheet->ChartObjects->Add(1, 175, 457, 300); $chart->ChartType} = xl3DColumnClustered; $chart->Chart->ChartWizard({Source =>$sheet->Range("D5:D12")}); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Values}=$sheet->Range("D5:D12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{XValues}=$sheet->Range("B5:B12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Values}=$sheet->Range("D5:D12"); $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Name}=$sheet->Range("B5:B12"); $chart->Chart->{HasLegend} = $vtfalse; $chart->Chart->{HasDataTable} = $vtfalse; $chart->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{HasDataLabels} = 1;
Don't worry, the data are in the cells from D5 to D12, and the name are in B5:B12.

Can someone help me?