SparkeyG has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

This is completly humbling, but I haven't a clue why this is droping core.
@dataArr is 4 by x array, while @line is an array with the return of a Date::Manip::ParseRecur. What I want to do is take the 3rd element of the current line, parse it through ParseRecur, then create a larger array, one line for each date returned in @date. This is for easier sorting later in the program.
for (my $count=0; $count <= $#dataArr; $count++) { my (@date) = &ParseRecur($dataArr[$count][3], $base, $start, $stop +); foreach my $line (@date) { $bigArr[0 .. 2] = $dataArr[$count][0 .. 2]; $bigArr[3] = $line; $bigArr[4] = $dataArr[$count][4]; } }
I'll also be gratefull for a more elegant approach to my problem if one exsists.
Perl Bonehead