one4k4 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Maybe this is a mod_perl issue, but I need to have a user download a dynamically created spreadsheet. (created using Spreadsheet::WriteExcel)

Basically, here is how it should go..
Click link to download sheet
mod_perl module pulls q's from the DataBase,
Prints "Content-type: application/excel(or some needed varient)"
Prints "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$name"
Then the spreadsheet is opened like so...
my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("-");

Only, the data isnt sent to the browser. Now, maybe I'm quite young with this stuff but I'd think since I set the Content-type headers that it would prompt the user to save the file.

It works outside of mod_perl

I have been reading about 'headers_out()' and 'send_httpd_header'(I believe thats what it was...) and have gotten just about nowhere. I've got the Eagle book, on mod_perl, and cant seem to find anything on Disposition. There is a discussion here on the mod_perl archives that is similar, but doesnt seem to offer me a solution.

In httpd.conf I have:
PerlSendHeader On
but is that needed? I read that in a discussion somewhere. Has anybody done this before? I mean, I'm sure somebody has, but umm, how did they do it?
Regardless, thanks for pointing me in the right direction if its at all possible.

_14k4 - (