bkchapin has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

The situation: I'm working on a module that among others uses Curses, DBI, and DBD-Informix, and must run on Linux, HP-UX and SCO. Linux is easy. We have managed to get this to work under HP-UX by building gcc from source, and compiling everything with gcc, including ncurses as the native curses didn't have enough functionality. Even hacked Informix's esql script to use gcc rather than the native compiler. We haven't fooled with SCO much yet.

The customer doesn't want to install libraries. Afraid there will be conflicts, and doesn't want to go through a long approval process. (Not to mention, building gcc from source is a pain.) Also, I've read that SCO can't do dynamic linking the way perl needs it (no Dynaloader?), therefore perl on SCO is statically linked. Is static linking the answer? I learned of "perl Makefile.PL; make perl", which is fine for statically linking just one module. But how to do more than one? Do "make perl" on Curses first, then somehow add in DBI and others? The Camel book doesn't really say.