Category: FTP stuff
Author/Contact Info Perforin Just mail me:
Description: Thats my little GUI FTP Client, with some Options like upload and download files.
Hi everybody! I´m new here and so Istart to share some of my Codes like this one. I called it FTP Master, but in real its just a simple and small FTP Client with 5 Options.The lanquage is German but its easy to navigate ;)
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ # # # # # # 
# ...:: FTP Master ::...
# Codet by Perforin
# Codet for
# Join the dark side of coding!
# A small Perl FTP Client with GUI using Tk and Net::FTP.
# FTP Master can:
# -delete files
# -upload files
# -download files
# -print working directory
# -Directory-Listing 
# Bugs? Feedback? Mail me! 
#  OR
## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+ # # # # # # # 

use Tk;
use Net::FTP;

my $mw = new MainWindow;
my $mb = $mw->Frame(-relief => 'ridge', -bd => 5);
my $m_file = $mb->Menubutton(-text      => "Befehle",
                          -underline => 1);
my $m_Credits = $mb->Menubutton(-text      => "Credits",
                          -underline => 1);
my $m_Exit = $mb->Menubutton(-text      => "Exit",
                          -underline => 1);
$mb    ->pack(-side => "top",
                 -fill => "x",
$m_file->pack(-side => "left");
$m_Credits->pack(-side => "left");
$m_Exit->pack(-side => "left");
$m_file->command(-label   => "ls",
                 -command => [\&ls],
$m_file->command(-label   => "pwd",
                 -command => [\&pwd],
$m_Credits->command(-label   => "Credits",
                 -command => [\&Credits],
$m_Exit->command(-label   => "Exit",
                 -command => [\&exitus],
my $top = $mw->Frame(-background => 'Black')->pack('-side' => 'top');
$top->Photo('logo', -file => "LOGO.gif");
$top->Label('-image' => 'logo')->pack();
$mw->title ("FTP Master");
my $label1 = $mw->Label (-text=>"----====[Login]====----" ,
my $label666 = $mw->Label (-text=>"\n----===============----\n",
my $label777 = $mw->Label (-text=>"\n",
my $label888 = $mw->Label (-text=>"\n",
my $label3 = $mw->Label (-text=>"Benutzer:");
my $entry3 = $mw->Entry (-width=>20);
my $label4 = $mw->Label (-text=>"Passwort:");
my $entry4 = $mw->Entry (-show=>'*', -width=>20);
my $label5 = $mw->Label (-text=>"Adresse:");
my $entry5 = $mw->Entry (-width=>20);
my $button1= $mw->Button(-text=>"[LoGiN]",
my $label6 = $mw->Label (-text=>"Uploaden:");
my $entry6 = $mw->Entry (-width=>20);
my $label7 = $mw->Label (-text=>"Downloaden:");
my $entry7 = $mw->Entry (-width=>20);
my $label8 = $mw->Label (-text=>"Datei löschen:");
my $entry8 = $mw->Entry (-width=>20);
my $button2= $mw->Button(-text=>"Uploaden",
my $button3= $mw->Button(-text=>"Downloaden",
my $button4= $mw->Button(-text=>"Löschen",
$label1->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label3->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$entry3->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label4->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$entry4->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label5->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$entry5->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label777->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label666->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label6->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$entry6->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label7->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$entry7->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label7->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$entry7->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label8->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$entry8->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');
$label888->pack (-side=>"top",-anchor=>'n');

  sub login {
   my $user = $entry3->get;
   my $pw = $entry4->get;
   my $location = $entry5->get;
   $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$location", Debug => 0) || die $mw->messageBo
+x (-message=>"Down??!");
   $ftp->login("$user","$pw") || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"User 
+oder Passwort falsch!");;
   $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Login erfolgreich!");
     sub upload {
   my $upload = $entry6->get;
   my $user = $entry3->get;
   my $pw = $entry4->get;
   my $location = $entry5->get;
   $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$location", Debug => 0) || die $mw->messageBo
+x (-message=>"Down??!");
   $ftp->login("$user","$pw") || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"User 
+oder Passwort falsch!");
      if ($upload =~ /.txt|.log|.html|.php/)    { 
    } else { 
   $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Erfolgreich upgeloadet!");
     sub download {
   my $download = $entry7->get;
   my $user = $entry3->get;
   my $pw = $entry4->get;
   my $location = $entry5->get;
   $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$location", Debug => 0) || die $mw->messageBo
+x (-message=>"Down??!");
   $ftp->login("$user","$pw") || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"User 
+oder Passwort falsch!");
   if ($downlaod =~ /.txt|.log|.html|.php/)    { 
    } else { 
   $ftp->get($download) || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Datei nicht
+ gefunden??!");
   $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Erfolgreich gedownloadet!");
     sub ls {
   my $user = $entry3->get;
   my $pw = $entry4->get;
   my $location = $entry5->get;
       $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$location", Debug => 0) || die $mw->messa
+geBox (-message=>"Down??!");
       $ftp->login("$user","$pw") || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"U
+ser oder Passwort falsch!");
       @files = $ftp->ls();
     $mw->messageBox (-message=>"@files");
     sub pwd {
   my $user = $entry3->get;
   my $pw = $entry4->get;
   my $location = $entry5->get;
       $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$location", Debug => 0) || die $mw->messa
+geBox (-message=>"Down??!");
       $ftp->login("$user","$pw") || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"U
+ser oder Passwort falsch!");
     $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Aktuelles Verzeichnis des FTP-Servers
+: $show");
     sub del {
   my $user = $entry3->get;
   my $pw = $entry4->get;
   my $location = $entry5->get;
   my $dele = $entry8->get;
       $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$location", Debug => 0) || die $mw->messa
+geBox (-message=>"Down??!");
       $ftp->login("$user","$pw") || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"U
+ser oder Passwort falsch!");
       $ftp->delete($dele) || die $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Konnte n
+icht gelöscht werden!");
       $mw->messageBox (-message=>"Datei gelöscht!");
     sub Credits {
     $mw->messageBox (-message=>"----===============----\n\nFTP Master
+\nby\nPerforin\n\nWatch these sites!\n\\
+n\\n\nJoin the dark side of coding!\n");
     sub exitus {