in reply to Appropriately assigning times to variables

Not exactly answering your question maybe…
…but since your time string is perfect for pulling the time comparison into the domain of string comparison…

use strict; use warnings; chomp(my @directories_time_tagged = <DATA>); for my $directory_name ( @directories_time_tagged ) { next unless $directory_name =~ /(\d\d\d\d_\d\d_\d\d_\d\d)/; # Year_ +month_day_hour my $date_time = $1; my ($year, $month, $day, $hour) = split /_/, $date_time; my ($y_now, $m_now, $d_now, $h_now) = (localtime)[5,4,3,2]; my $now = sprintf('%d_%02d_%02d_%02d', $y_now+1900, $m_now+1, $d_now +, $h_now); if ($date_time le $now ) { # If the date has been passed print "\nconditions have been met for $directory_name\n"; } } __DATA__ foo_2006_03_02_14_verzeichnis bar_2007_05_02_02_directory baz_2007_05_03_22_dossier