in reply to Multiplexing HTTPS server, peer cert authentication problem.

One possibility, as Moron implies, is to write a forking server, possibly a pre-forking server. You might need to use Cygwin to get forking to work correctly on Windows.

However, your approach might work with a little more code. From the documentation for IO::Socket::SSL

Note that if start_SSL() fails in SSL negotiation, $socket will remain blessed in its original class. For non-blocking sockets you better just upgrade the socket to IO::Socket::SSL and call accept_SSL or connect_SSL on the upgraded object. To just upgrade the socket set B<SSL_startHandshake> explicitly to 0. If you call start_SSL w/o this parameter it will revert to blocking behavior for accept_SSL and connect_SSL.
My interpretation, without actually trying this is:
my $acceptsock = $sock->accept; my $sslaccept = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($acceptsock, {SSL_startHandshake => 0, SSL_use_cert => 1, SSL_verify_depth => 1, SSL_verify_mode => 0x03, }); $select->add($sslaccept); @{*$sslaccept}{qw/sbuf size state/} = ('', 0, 'handshake'); # then go back to your select() # Later, when the select() returns the $sslaccept socket, call if (*$sock->{state} eq 'handshake') { my $sslclient = $sock->accept_SSL(); if (defined($sslclient)) { # success! # advance the state of socket to connected, etc. *$sock->{state} = 'need_headers'; } elsif ($SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_READ || $SSL_ERROR == SSL_WANT_READ) { # just do another select, then repeat call to accept_SSL # no code needed here, I think } else { # Otherwise, the connection has failed. $select->remove($sock); $sock->close(); # maybe log it } }
You will probably need to use the three argument select instead of can_read():
my ($readsocks, $writesocks, $errsocks) = IO::Select::select($select, $select, $select);