Ojosh!ro has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


Is there a way to do the following directly?

$this->{_codestring} = 'sub{ return "Don\'t think so"; }'; $this->makeMethod(); #1) my $floop = $this->callMethod(); #2)

#1) Evals the codestring and sets the coderef in $this->{_coderef}
#2) Calls the coderef and returns its result

So, can de coderef directly be adressed as if it's a method of the $this object ?

my($s,$b,@c,@b)=qw(0 0 5C 5F 2F 20);while(int($s+.45)<2){$b[0].=chr(hex($c[int($s+.45)]));$b[1].=chr(hex($c[int($s+2.45)]));$s+=.55}while(1){print $b[$b];$b--;$b*=$b}#Fishnets