logie17 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm using CGI::Application for a site I'm trying to intelligently design. I have a master template file that will be serving two purposes: 1 display output of a given run mode and 2 display a navigation tree. I load my template path in the cgiapp_prerun and I have the following example run_mode:
sub examplRM{ my $self = shift; my $template = $self->load_tmpl('master.tmpl'); my $output = 'example' $template->param( outputVar => $output); return $template->output;

Now I have another method that loads a navigation bar:
sub exampleNav{ my $self = shift; my @nav = qw(Nav1, Nav2, Nav3); return \@nav; }
What I would like to do is preload examplNav into my template object. So I don't have to recall the navigation method for additional run methods. Anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks in adavance!
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