in reply to Using functional programming to reduce the pain of parallel-execution programming (with threads, forks, or name your poison)

Update: after reading Re: What is the fastest way to download a bunch of web pages? i've reworked this function to follow the same pattern. Notice that Thread::Queue only takes scalars, so if you want to push funky data through the queue, one way is to freeze/thaw it.
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use threads; use Thread::Queue; use Storable qw(freeze thaw); my $slow_matches_b = sub { sleep 1; return unless $_[0]; return 1 if $_[0] =~ /b/; }; my $test_strings = [ ('blee','blah','bloo', 'qoo', 'fwee' ) ]; my @results = threaded_map( 2, $slow_matches_b, @$test_strings ); print Dumper \@results; sub threaded_map { my $thread_count = shift; my $function = shift; # # setup work queues # my $id = 0; my $input_q = new Thread::Queue; my $result_q = new Thread::Queue; for (map { [ $id++, $_ ] } @_) { $input_q->enqueue(freeze($_)); } # # define worker function to run in each thread # my $worker_function = sub { while ( my $frozen_work = $input_q->dequeue_nb ) { my $work = thaw($frozen_work); my $id = $work->[0]; my $input_data = $work->[1]; my $result = $function->($input_data); my $frozen_result = freeze( [ $id, $result ] ); $result_q->enqueue($frozen_result); } }; # # create workers that will read from shared input queue and wri +te to shared output queue # my @threads = map{ threads->create( $worker_function ) } 1 .. $thr +ead_count; $_->join for @threads; # # join the results data together # my %results; while ( my $frozen_result = $result_q->dequeue_nb ) { my $result = thaw($frozen_result); $results{$result->[0]} = $result->[1]; } # # return results in order received # return map { $results{$_} } sort keys %results; }