Solution to a chatterbox FAQ: what modules required are shipped with Perl? Which are already on the system?

This cli script sits at the corner of my desk awaiting the next time I am looking up Perl modules at

Finding the module I am interested in, I examine its directory (like: ) ... there are a number of files listed, including Makefile.PL (or Build.PL), MANIFEST, README, and ...META.yml.

I context-click on the META.yml file and click "Copy Link Location" to put the URL pointing to the META.yml file on the system clipboard. Then I run the snippet below to quickly get the overview of this module's prerequisites.

#!/usr/bin/env perl # Last modified: 10 Oct 2006 at 12:02 PM EDT # Author: Soren Andersen <intrepid -AT- perlmonk *dot* org> # $Id$ use strict; use warnings; use YAML qw/ Load Dump LoadFile /; use LWP::Simple; use POSIX qw(isatty); sub coremod { "" }; sub hr; sub dimmer; sub find_longest_keystring; sub mtest; sub testyml { my $metayml_uri = (shift(@_) || ' +META.yml'); my $docu; if( $docu = get $metayml_uri ) { return $docu } die "Could not retrieve '$metayml_uri'. Network troubles? Bad URI? +"; } ## And now a brief interlude of presentational trivia, not very intere +sting my $screenW = $ENV{COLUMNS} || 42; my $unxterm = isatty(*STDOUT) && $^O !~/MSWin32/ ? 1 : 0; if ($unxterm) { require Term::ANSIColor and import Term::ANSIColor ('colored'); #print colored("Using Term::ANSIColor", 'dark white'), "\n"; } ## done with interlude, back to main show my $metadoc = testyml (shift(@ARGV) || undef); my $modmeta = Load( $metadoc ); if( $modmeta->{requires} ) { my ($k,$v); my $fmtlen; my %reqrs = %{ my($mkl,@hash) = find_longest_keystring($modmeta->{requires}); $fmtlen = $mkl || 28; my $rh = {@hash}; }; if (eval "use Module::CoreList; 1" and not $@) { no warnings ('redefine','once'); sub coremod { my($pm) = @_; my $presence_in_core = $Module::CoreList::version{$]}{$pm} +; return "\n" unless defined $presence_in_core; my $pmv; $pmv = $presence_in_core == 0 ? "without a VERSION number" : "version $presence_in_core"; my $prn = Module::CoreList->first_release($pm); my $note = <<" ELEPHANT"; CORE: $pm was first included in the core Perl distribution at Perl r +elease $prn The present Perl system shipped with $pm $pmv ELEPHANT return $note; } } print hr; printf <<" YODOWN" %-${fmtlen}s %s %s%s YODOWN => ($k,($v eq '0'? 'any version':"at version $v") , mtest($k), coremo +d($k)) while ($k,$v) = each %reqrs; print hr; } else # there are no prerequisite modules or pragmata listed { print "No requires for $modmeta->{name}\n"; } sub mtest { my $installed_version; my $wherep; my $modname = shift(); my $modlibp = $modname; $modlibp =~ s{ :: } {/}xg; $modlibp .= '.pm'; my $can_req = eval "use $modname; 1;"; if ($can_req and not $@) { no strict 'refs'; $wherep = $INC{ $modlibp }; $installed_version = (${$modname.'::VERSION'}) || 0; } else { return colored(sprintf( "%-32s is not installed"=> $modname) , 'cyan') if ($unxterm); return sprintf( "%-32s is not installed"=> $modname) } if ($unxterm) { colored( sprintf('%-32s v%4s found as %s' => ($modname , $installed_version , $wherep)) , 'magenta' ); } else { sprintf('%-32s v%-4s found as %s' => ($modname , $installed_version , $wherep)) } } sub find_longest_keystring { my %rethash = %{ shift() }; return () unless 1 * @{[ %rethash ]}; delete $rethash{'perl'}; my $l_maxed_at = 0; for (keys(%rethash)) { $l_maxed_at = length() > $l_maxed_at ? length() : $l_maxed_at } return ( $l_maxed_at, %rethash ); } sub hr { my $decor = $unxterm ? dimmer("-" x $screenW) : ("-" x $screenW); $decor . "\n"; } sub dimmer { colored( shift() , 'dark white' ); } __END__ =head1 NAME METAreqWeb =head1 SYNOPSIS ./METAreqWeb [ < +.16/META.yml> ] =cut