valavanp has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I need to store the values from cgi output file to a pdf file. I am able to do that, but my problem is the pdf file name should be of the name which i give in the header part, but it's taking the script file name. Can anyone tell me how to do that. Below is the code which i give it in my script file. Thanks Monks for your valuable suggestion and regret if there is any discrepancies caused.

The file name is

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use CGI; my $query=new CGI; my $mimetype='application/pdf'; my @a="test test test"; print $query->header(-expires=>'now', -type=$mimetype, -disposition=>" +inline:filename=sample.pdf", -filename=>'sample.pdf'); print @a;

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