Posted to the Perl QA list, but I figure some of you might want this.

For some strange reason, many folks seems to hate updating test plans. I don't know why this seems like so much work, given what a tiny task it is compared to the bulk of the code, but basically, here's how it works. You change this:

    use Test::More tests => 13;

To this:

    use Test::More tests => 'no_plan'; # tests => 13

And when you're done, you change it back and update the test count. Some people think this is too much work, so based upon some vim code chromatic had, I wrote the following plugin. This could use a lot of work, but you might want to save this as ~/.vim/plugin/ToggleTestPlan.vim.

if exists( "toggle_test_plan" ) finish endif let toggle_test_plan = 1 map ,tp :call ToggleTestPlan()<cr> function ToggleTestPlan() call SavePosition() let curr_line = 1 while curr_line <= line("$") if match(getline(curr_line), 'More\s*tests') > -1 %s/More tests =>/More 'no_plan'; # tests =>/ call RestorePosition() elseif match(getline(curr_line), 'More\s*''no_plan') > -1 %s/More 'no_plan';\s*# /More / endif let curr_line = curr_line + 1 endwhile endfunction function SavePosition() let s:curLine = winline() let s:curColumn = wincol() endfunction function RestorePosition() exe s:curLine exe "normal! ".s:curColumn."|" endfunction

Basically, that maps ,tp to ToggleTestPlan() and toggles your test plan back and forth. If you switch to 'no_plan', it leaves your cursor where it is. If you switch to tests => $num_tests, it puts your cursor on the right line to change the test number. I could add more, but since I'm such a vim scripting newbie, I figure others are better placed to fix other issues. For example, the stuff for saving and restoring position were originally called like this (ganked from another plugin):

    call <SID>SaveCursorPosition()

And defined like this:

" SaveCursorPosition function! <SID>SaveCursorPosition() let s:curLine = winline() let s:curColumn = wincol() endfunction

Why were they defined like that? Who knows? Any explanations and improvements appreciated.

Update: I now know why they were defined like that. After I get home tonight, I'll do some more work and have a much better version of this code available.


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