sri75 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello !!!

I need some help with debugging a problem I ran in to using the PERL EXPECT package. I downloaded the package Expect-1.18 from the CPAN website and installed in on a Linux Machine with a x86 processor. I was successfully able to compile and install the package. I wrote up a simple problem to test it was it worked as expected.

However when I attempted to do the same on a Linux machine with a PowerPC processor, I ran into a problem. Below is the simple program that I was using:

#!/usr/bin/perl5.8.4 use Expect; my $timeout = 5; $session = new Expect; #$session->debug(3); $session->spawn("ssh 666.666.666.666 -l root\r"); $session->expect($timeout, "password:"); $session->send("wibblewobble\r"); $session->expect($timeout, "F101"); $session->send("\r"); $session->expect($timeout, "F101"); $session->send("exit\r"); $session->expect($timeout, "F101");

On the PPC machines, I noticed that the spawn cmd did go through as I was able to see an SSH session using the "netstat -a" cmd. However using debugs I noticed that for some reason the script was not receiving anything back from the command.

Does any one know how to fix this??



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