in reply to Parsing balanced parentheses

use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $contents = qq( create item "xxx" { remove entry "}x{" add entry "yy" "xxx" { item1=xxxx, item2=xxxx, } add diffenent entry "}}xxx" { item1=xxx, item2=xxxx, item3=xxx add subitem { item1=xxx, item2=xxx, item3=xxx } add subitem { item1=xxx, item2=xxx, } } another type { item1=xxx } with "{{xxx" } ); (my $re=$contents)=~s/(({)|(})|"(\\.|[^"\\])*"|.)/@{[')','']}[!$3]\Q$1 +\E@{['(','']}[!$2]/gs; print Dumper(@$=eval{$contents=~/$re/}); die $@ if $@; $re=join"|",map{"\Q$_\E"}@$; print Dumper extract($contents); sub extract{ my $c=shift; my @r; while( $c =~ /(\S.*?)\s*(?:{($re)} *(.*)|$)/mg ){ my($h,$b,$t)=($1,$2,$3); push @r,$b?[$h,extract($b),$t||()]:$h; } return @r?[@r]:$c; }