in reply to how to construct tree from parent pointer list

Getting you started with the previously mentioned Tree module:

use Tree (); my %nodes; while (<>) { my ($child, $parent) = split /:/; my $parent_node = $nodes{$parent} ||= Tree->new($parent); my $child_node = $nodes{$child} ||= Tree->new($child); $parent_node->add_child($child_node); } my @roots = grep { $_->is_root } values %nodes; die("Invalid data: No roots\n") unless @roots; foreach (@roots) { ... }
If you are only expecting one root, replace the bottom loop with:
die("Invalid data: Multiple roots\n") if @roots > 1; my $root = $roots[0]; ...

I didn't check for circular dependancies.

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Re^2: how to construct tree from parent pointer list
by bryank (Acolyte) on Jun 30, 2009 at 13:30 UTC

    How do you output the tree? I tried using the various Tree methods with the keys of the hash, but without success.

      Like any other tree.
      sub visit_preorder { my ($cb, node, $depth) = @_; $depth ||= 0; $cb->($node, $depth); visit_preorder($cb, $_, $depth+1) for $node->children(); } sub visit_postorder { my ($cb, $node, $depth) = @_; $depth ||= 0; visit_postorder($cb, $_, $depth+1) for $node->children(); $cb->($node, $depth); } visit_preorder(sub { my ($node, $depth) = @_; ... }, $root);

      It's odd that the module doesn't provide this for you.

      What's wrong with the solutions we've already customised for you?

        Thanks. The module does provide an example for output, but I couldn't figure out how to implement it in the example shown here. For example, here is what the module gives:

        my @nodes = $tree->traverse( $tree->PRE_ORDER );
        The example I was working off of:

        use Tree (); my %nodes; while (<>) { my ($child, $parent) = split /:/; my $parent_node = $nodes{$parent} ||= Tree->new($parent); my $child_node = $nodes{$child} ||= Tree->new($child); $parent_node->add_child($child_node); } my @roots = grep { $_->is_root } values %nodes; die("Invalid data: Multiple roots\n") if @roots > 1; my $root = $roots[0];

        Basically, I didn't know what to do since I couldn't find a tree object? I'm sure I am missing all sorts of obvious signs in the code -- I am just too much of a newby to fully understand it. Sorry.

        Hi, Can you explain what the pieces of this does

        sub visit_preorder { my ($cb, node, $depth) = @_; $depth ||= 0; $cb->($node, $depth); visit_preorder($cb, $_, $depth+1) for $node->children(); }

        For example, what is '$cb' ? What I am trying to do is output the tree in a flattened format once the tree is built. Something like : Fruit|Apple|Granny Smith.. Fruit being the parent of Apple, Apple being the parent of Granny Smith..