in reply to Perl Development Tools

FTE - although we're looking at a ground-up rewrite. That should be fun ;-)

Free. Syntax hilighting (which is also fun... parsing perl without being perl...). Auto indent. Incremental search (I think - I'm not 100% sure what that means). Bracket matching. Folding (that's what the 'F' stands for). Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X (not tried that last one myself), Windows, (OS/2, AIX, HP, ...). PHP, Python, HTML, (C, IPF, Ada, REXX, Make, Diff, Shell, Pascal, Java, Tex, 4GL, ...).

And most of the changes I've made to it in the last couple of years was perl syntax hilighting. Wow that has been painful. ;-)

Update: Given ysth's interpretation, then, no, fte doesn't really have incremental search. At least, not that I've found ;-)