no21 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a working Activeperl script on my Windows box that logs in to Yahoo and downloads some HTML files.

I transferred that script to a Linux box today, and now the script does not work. Specifically, the form is not being submitted.

Activeperl script runs on:
Perl 5.8.4
WWW-Mechanize version 0.72

Same script on Linux:
Ubuntu 5.10
Perl 5.8.7
WWW-Mechanize version 1.18

I have tried many different methods per the documentation on CPAN (click(), submit(), click_button()), and none of the methods log me in successfully.

I have Dumped the form and verified that the user and password fields are being set correctly.

The various submission methods that I tried do not die(), so I can not see why it will not work on the Linux box.

Has anyone ever run into this sort of thing before? Any help would be greatly appreciated.