in reply to Removing chars from a word from an array


I dont know whether i understood your question correctly. If im not wrong what you need is to delete a set of characters from a word. But a character has to be removed only once in the word and has to be removed from @list.

use strict; use warnings; my @list= qw(a b c a c); my $w="kandabbbc"; while (my $a=shift(@list)) { $w=~s/\Q$a//; @list = grep {!/\Q$a/} @list; } print $w;

If you want to remove all the occurances of a character from the word, then

use strict; use warnings; my @list= qw(a b c a c); my $re = join '|', @list; my $w="kandabbbc"; $w=~s/$re//g; print $w;

Murugesan Kandasamy
use perl for(;;);