After seeing the following puzzle floating around the net, I decided to automate it:
Take the digits 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in that order. Insert one or more basic math operators (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) so that the result makes 2006.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @o = (" + ", " - ", " * ", " / ", ""); my @s = (" ", "-"); my @d = (0, 1 .. 9); my $year = @ARGV ? shift : 2006; for my $o8 (@o) { for my $o7 (@o) { for my $o6 (@o) { for my $o5 (@o) { for my $o4 (@o) { for my $o3 (@o) { for my $o2 (@o) { for my $o1 (@o) { for my $s (@s) { my $expr = "$s$d[9]$o8$d[8]$o7$d[7]$o6$d[6]$o5" . "$d[5]$o4$d[4]$o3$d[3]$o2$d[2]$o1$d[1]"; print "$expr == $year\n" if $year == eval $expr; }}}}}}}}} __END__ 2006 == -9 + 8 * 7 + 654 * 3 - 2 - 1 2006 == 9 + 8 * 7 + 654 * 3 - 21 2006 == 9 + 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 - 4 + 321 2006 == 9 * 8 - 7 + 654 * 3 - 21
I'm sure there are cleverer ways of writing the nested loop, using some kind of module. But cut-and-paste is fast, and this takes less programmer time.
Perl --((8:>*