in reply to Keeping MySQL connection parameters in a safe place

One more trick usable with DBD::mysql is mysql_read_default_group ,an option to have a configuration file with credentials for different applications.

First, you need to create a configuration file, with different [label]s.

# $HOME/.my.cnf # Here are some general options [client] socket=/tmp/mysql.sock port=3306 # the following are specific to each application [mysqldump] user=dumpuser password=not_my_pwd [backup] user=bkpuser password=not_my_real_one [usage] user=simpleguy password=not_this_one [readonly] user=poorguy password=don_t_try_it [myapp] user=specialguy password=something_different

Then, in your code you can refer to such labels this way:

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:test" . ";mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf" .';mysql_read_default_group=myapp', undef, undef ) or die "something went wrong ($DBI::errstr)";

This code will use the label [myapp] from the file $ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf.

To use a backup application, replace myapp with backup in the above code and your application will use that username and password under [backup].

You can also use this trick to test the same application with different users having different access profiles. (Update. - I mean database users, not O.S. users)

my $profile = shift || 'usage'; my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:test" . ";mysql_read_default_file=$ENV{HOME}/.my.cnf" .";mysql_read_default_group=$profile", undef, undef ) or die "something went wrong ($DBI::errstr)";

BTW, the article you were referring to is mine, also published in my blog.

Update - While mysql_read_default_file adds to security, because you won't leave your password hardcoded in your script and you can store it outside the document tree in web applications, using mysql_read_default_group is only a matter of convenience. Using it does not add to security, but just to tidiness.

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