in reply to Re: Re: Re: A Little Celebration
in thread A Little Celebration

Might you be obliged to translate for us? If just to appease the curiosity of those who probably did "stuff up on the term 'Hard Yakka'"? That whole thing sounds like an expression I'd love to confidently spout at a most inopportune moment. =) TaTaForNow.

p.s. Initiate Nail Removal Immediately!

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: A Little Celebration
by Maclir (Curate) on Jan 15, 2001 at 03:44 UTC
    "Hard Yakka" is Aussie slang for describing hard physical labo(u)r. For example, if on the weekend I had to put in a new fence in my backyard, I might say to my colleagues something like "Digging the holes for those fence posts in the %^&#$ clay soil was bloody hard yakka, I can tell you."

    I am not sure of the origins of the expression, but there has been a range of working clothes, made here in Australia for decades, called "Yakka". I don't know what came first, the clothes or the expression. Of course, their advertisements for their work clothes show a whole lot of big, fit, strong men wearing their "Yakka" work clothes, pulling mining equipment, digging holes, or whatever, in the hot Australian sun, while there is a chant of "hard yakka, hard yakka".