jithoosin has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi monks,

I have a problem. I wanted to get every html tag in a file,that is every thing between < and > using RegEx (without using HTML::TokenParser). So i used  m/<([^>]+)>/.

But the problem occurs in cases like this <select name="url>adee" value="wq<ew">.Here the ">" inside "url>adee" is stopping the regEx .Is there any good solution using regEx.

After reading the first 2 replies i will explain my situation .I am in a BETwith my friends that it is possible with regEx to do it. Please help me.There is a solution for everything .Please help me. I wanna win the bet.

2005-11-11 Retitled by g0n, as per Monastery guidelines
Original title: 'simple regExpr'