Fellow monks, I have a new and insightful meditation. I hereby make the suggestion that we rename the "Schwartzian Transform," to the "Evan Transform." I admit that the llama book is extremely well written, and that Randal Schwartz is probably one of the better Perl ninjas that hasn't ascended and joined the ranks of the ancients. However, let us all consider the consequence of his name. It is neither American English nor easy to remember, it gives new Perl programmers the sensation of med school study. The mere fact that his last name has a silly 'Z' is not enough, but look at the word 'wart' lying totally within Sch-wart-zian. Further evidence can be found by the fact that his name has four consecutive consonants, this is clearly unacceptable.

Lets consider for a moment the merits of my claim. "Evan" is easy to remember and simplifies spelling. Twenty-five percent of the letters that occur in Evan also occur in Perl. Evan is four letters, less typing allows programmers to be me more lazy, which according to Larry's philosophy is something that all programmers aspire for. Renaming the "Schwartzian Transform" to the "Evan Transform" would bring us one step closer to this goal.

I hope you give my consideration deep thought, and welcome the change to come.

Evan Carroll

Inspired by IRC™::
22:13 < StoneToad> funky name for a really useful thing :D ... 22:13 < hobbs> StoneToad: we'll tell Mr. Schwartz that you think his n +ame is funky ;) 22:14 < EvanCarroll> I should do that. ... 2:14 < EvanCarroll> I'm posting right now on perl monks, The Schwartzi +an trasnform is a stupid name for a usefull method, I suggest we rena +me it to the Evan Transform because the name "Evan" is l33t and short +. -- Evan Carroll 22:14 < Daveman> haha 22:15 < StoneToad> haha 22:15 < Daveman> evan, sounds good... ... 22:15 < StoneToad> sounds almost like spring water >_> 22:15 * StoneToad suggest the spring water transform, that'll really +confuse people