hok_si_la has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello monks,

I supersearched some of the old File::Find related nodes and didn't find anything that really helped me understand my problem. I also skimmed over the docs a couple of times. I have a form that contains a muliple select called dirs, 7 checkboxes, and a text box. The form will invoke a script that will seach every file in every directory in dirs for occurences of certain strings. So for instance if my multiple select 'dirs' contains foo and bar, and use strict and use warnings are checked, then each File::Find::name is grep'ed for "use warnings" and "use strict". The results are returned to a hash of arrays. Example: %results( =>[warnings, strict]);.

I am trying to find out the best way to accomplish this algorithmically and how to use &wanted.
Here is the code I have so far...
############################################################ # This script displays all scripts containing certain params ############################################################ # Author: Monica Lewinski # Date: 09/32/2031 ############################################################ use strict; use CGI; use File::Find; require ""; my $cgi = CGI->new; my $dirs = [ $cgi->param('dirs') ]; if ($dirs->[0] eq "ALL") { @$dirs = qw("Admin", "Backuprequests", "Magic", "Network", "NewSer +ver", "PatchManagement", "Security", "Serverlist", "ServerRetire"); } find(\&wanted, @$dirs); exit (0); ############################################################ sub wanted ############################################################ { my @wanted; my $i=0; if ($cgi->param('c_strict')){ $wanted[$i] = "use strict\;"; ++$i; } if ($cgi->param('c_warnings)){ $wanted[$i] = "use warnings\;"; ++$i; } if ($cgi->param('c_vlontlib')){ $wanted[$i] = "require \"\"\;"; ++$i; } if ($cgi->param('c_cgi')){ $wanted[$i] = "use CGI"; ++$i; } if ($cgi->param('c_dbi')){ $wanted[$i] = "use DBI"; ++$i; } if ($cgi->param('c_tabs')){ $wanted[$i] = "PAGE1CLEAN"; ++$i; } if ($cgi->param('c_heredocs')){ $wanted[$i] = "END_OF_PRINT"; ++$i; } if ($cgi->param('contains')){ $wanted[$i] = $cgi->param('contains'); ++$i } }
Any suggestions to clarify my mess would be appreciated,