malaga has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I can't get this sort - not sure if it's because i'm mixing up array/hash, or if i'm just mixed up period:
#filenames looks like this: category_Title Words_1 #SEARCH THROUGH THE CONTENT DIRECTORY AND FIND THE FILES THAT MATCH chdir("$contentdir");#change to the content directory my $stuff = ".";#make it $_ opendir THISDIR, "$stuff";#open the content directory my @submenu = readdir THISDIR;#put the names of the files in an array closedir THISDIR; ($sub1, $sub2, $sub3) = split (/\_/, $_,3);#split it on the underscore +s $sub3 = sort { $b <=> $a } $sub3;
doesn't work. i've also tried:
my @newarray = ($sub1,$sub2,$sub3); @newarray = sort { $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } @newarray;
and a million other wrong ways. please advise. thank you!