Category: Web Stuff
Author/Contact Info Ted Fiedler<>
Description: Simple app for leaving quick notes between myself and some other admins at work.
#!/usr/bin/perl -T 
# notes.cgi
# Ted Fiedler

use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;

$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 100;  # max 100K posts
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1;  # no uploads

# Clean up our UNIX environment
# for more infor read perldoc perlsec
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/home/tfiedler/stuff/scripts/web/cgi-bin';

# Flush the output buffer

# define our vars
my $date = scalar(localtime);
my @text;
my $file="/home/tfiedler/stuff/scripts/web/cgi-bin/notes.tcf";
my $archive="/home/tfiedler/stuff/scripts/web/cgi-bin/archives.tcf";
my $project_name="webtop";

if (param('Archive'))
    open (TFILE, "$file") or
          die "unable to open $file for reading: $!\n";
    #( -s "${file}_arc" ) ? open (TFILE2, ">>${file}_arc") or die($!)
    #                     : open (TFILE2, ">${file}_arc")  or die($!);
    open (TFILE2, ">>$archive") or
          die "Unable to open $archive\n";
    print TFILE2 "$_" for (<TFILE>);

if ( param('delete') )

if ( ! -e $file )
    open (TOUCH, ">$file") or
          die("Unable to create $file: $!\n");
    close (TOUCH);

if ( defined (param('NOTES')) and param('NOTES') =~ m/\S/ )
    open (SERVER_NOTES, ">>$file") or
          die("Unable to open $file: $!\n");
     for $_(@text) 
        # remove HTML tags <> </>
        s/<(?:[^>'"]*|(['"]).*?\1)*>//gs unless param('HTML');
        # print the rest to file...
        print SERVER_NOTES "[<font color=\"#ff0000\" size=\"-1\">$ENV{
+'REMOTE_ADDR'} - $date</font>]\n",
              br, "<font size=\"-1\">$_</font>", br;
    close (SERVER_NOTES);

## Start HTML ##
print header;
print start_html(-title=>"$project_name notes", 
                 -BGCOLOR=>"#cccc99" ), "\n";

print "<tt><center>\n";
print h3("project $project_name notes"),"\n";
print "</center>\n";
print hr,"\n";

print "\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" wid
+th=\"70%\" align=\"center\">\n\n";
print "<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#999966\">\n
print br,br;
print Delete_all() if ( param('delete') or param('Archive') or param('
+HTML') ); 
if ( -s $file ) 
    print Delete_all();
    open ( FH, $file ) or
         die("unable to open notes: $!\n");
    my @notes=<FH>;
    print "<td>@notes</td>\n"; 

print "</table>\n";

print br,br,br;

print "\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" wid
+th=\"70%\" align=\"center\">\n\n";
print "<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#999966\">\n
       <th>change $file </th>\n
print "</table>\n",br;

print start_form;
print "<center>\n";
print textarea('NOTES',"", 15, 80), "\n",br;
print checkbox(-name=> 'HTML',     -value=> 'off'),   "  ",
      checkbox(-name=> 'delete',   -value=> 'off'),   "  ", 
      checkbox(-name=> 'Archive',  -value=> 'off'),   "  ", 
print "</center>\n",br;

if ( -s $archive )
    print "\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\"
+ width=\"70%\" align=\"center\">\n\n";
    print "<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#999966\">\n
    open ( FH2, "$archive" ) or
           die "Unable to open $archive: $!\n";
    my @archives=<FH2>;
    print "<td>@archives</td>\n";
    print "</table>\n";

print "\n\n<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" hei
+ght=\"20\" width=\"70%\" align=\"center\">\n\n";
print "<tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#999966\">\n
       <td> </td>\n
print "</table>\n",br;

print end_html;


=head1 NAME

notes.cgi - Leave notes for other users, logs IP address & date

=head1 AUTHOR

Ted Fiedler<>